Who makes the investment decisions?

The Marcus Today team, headed by Marcus Padley, constantly monitors the model portfolio and makes changes as they are required. The investment strategy involves a combination of approaches to identify attractive companies and their suitability for portfolio inclusion, including:

fundamental stock analysis, with particular focus on return on equity, future earnings growth and relative valuations (PE relative to historical and peer group).
consideration of a “quality” rating through features such as management quality and track record, corporate governance, balance sheet management, company direction and market sentiment.
macroeconomic and thematic influences, including the global growth environment,
industry structure and position in the investment cycle and investment “themes”. (E.g. the search for yield).
technical analysis – Marcus Today uses a technical overlay to assist in timing the entry into a stock which has already met fundamental, quality and thematic filters. Marcus Today also use technical features to monitor the position and help time any exit.